Around the Bloc: Turkmen Leader Promotes Heir-Apparent
Serdar Berdymukhamedov’s frequent changes of job could be a training
regimen to succeed his father.
3 January 2019
Around the Bloc: Russia Prepares for Baltic Energy Exit
The three Baltic states are moving forward with a plan to leave the
Soviet-era energy grid.
3 January 2019
Around the Bloc: Juncker’s New Year Message to Bucharest: Get Real
Commission boss’s less than welcoming remarks signal a torrid time
ahead as Romania takes over EU reins.
2 January 2019
Around the Bloc: Saudis, Chinese Eyeing Tajikistan’s Biggest Bank:
A rejuvenating injection of foreign cash may be on the cards for the
troubled Tojiksodirotbank.
2 January 2019
Media: Serbia Debates the Public’s Right to Know
Critics of a proposed new freedom of information law say it will hobble
journalists and give public bodies too many opt-outs.
28 December 2018
Media: Fake News in Serbia: From the Trivial to the International
Here are eight of the most egregious lies caught in 2018 by the
Fake News Tracker in Serbia, a country with a long history to re-write.
28 December 2018
People: A Master of Deception
Donald Trump may be the leader of the free world in spreading “alternative
facts,” but Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic continues to vie for the
Balkan crown.
24 December 2018
Around the Bloc: Latvia Releases Files on KGB Collaborators
“Cheka bags” could prove to be a bag of worms in the former Soviet
22 December 2018
Around the Bloc: Czechs, Poles Mourn Victims of Coal Mine Blast
The coal industry is a major employer in the Silesian coal belt.
21 December 2018
People: Voting for Change
With only a few months to gountil parliamentary elections, former
presidential candidate Maia Sandu says the time is now to save Moldova’s democracy.
21 December 2018