Policy paper: The Legal Status of Accredited Parliamentary Assistants
In her policy paper, Nicole Grmelová deals with accredited assistants to the European Parliament, commonly referred to as
POLICY PAPER: The European Parliament and climate change: past, present and future
Kateřina Davidová, in her latest policy paper, examines climate policy in the European Parliament. Looking ahead and drawing conclusions form past climate policies, what are the future perspectives?
Despite Britain’s efforts to combat climate change at home, its overall climate impact is rising
Miňo Urbaník authored a blog-post on the Great Britain’s climate policy.
POLICY PAPER: Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: Overcoming the past together
Gentiola Madhi, Jana Juzová, Tomáš Strážay, Adam Balcer, Jelica Minić and Nikolett Garai are authors of a policy paper on reconciliation in the Western Balkans.
Structural transition in coal regions – experiences from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the EU.
Report from a
These and other analyses are to be found on the website europeum.org.