Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague is one of the largest provider of social services in Prague and Central Bohemia. The services help seniors, people with a physical handicap, youth, mothers and children in need, homeless people, migrants, victims of domestic violence and human traffic and those who have found themselves in a difficult situation or on the margin of society.
Development cooperation and humanitarian aid are an integral part of Caritas’ activities. The programmes specialize in the fields of education, health care and prevention, and community development. The aid is brought mainly to the Sub-Saharan Africa region (Uganda, Zambia) and to India.
Programmes supporting the poorest families, seniors and also human rights and democratization are carried out in Belarus. Caritas has been developing a partnership with local church-based and other non-profit organizations since 2003. Capacities of these organizations are built to enhance processes of civil society strengthening, inclusive decision-making and volunteering. Youth from Belarus regularly take part in stays in the Czech Republic to be exposed to democratic society principles.
Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague is a church-based organization founded by the Archdiocese of Prague. It is a part of Caritas Internationalis, global network operating in most of the world’s countries. Today Caritas Internationalis is one of the largest networks dedicated to reducing poverty and injustice throughout the world.
Caritas network in the Czech Republic is made up of several levels: 8 diocesan agencies as well as hundreds of regional, county and parish agencies. The Caritas Czech Republic is the national headquarters.
Address: Londýnská 44, 120 00 Praha 2
Phone: +420 739 002 909