In the spring 2017, guests from four countries gathered in Prague to initiate dialogue dedicated to the instruments of direct democracy at local level. V4 countries have relatively positive experience with instruments such as local referenda, free access to information or petitions. And so we have something to share with our more distant neighbours.
The meeting in Prague was devoted to planning how to allow the citizens of the Republic of Belarus undertake local referendums. Also, how could good practices from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic be helpful in Belarus.
In our video you can get acquainted not only with basic thesis, international experts, but also with Czech activists and constitutional actors, who have experience with local referendums. And if you are interested in specific steps taken by our consortium to support Belarusian civil society, keep an eye on
Find a blog from the gathering here.
Supported by Visegrad international fund together with Ministry of foreign affairs of Netherlands.