EU Elections 2019: What do the Central European Political Parties stand for?
Before the 2019 European Parliament elections, AMO publishes a briefing paper summarizing the positions of political parties in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Austria towards key current topics of the European Union. The findings confirm that there is a general agreement among the parties who currently are members of the three biggest political groups in the European Parliament – EPP, S&D and ALDE – about the need to strengthen the
Finding hope in panic
Climate change is finally fuelling public action and making headlines. From school strikes to the Green New Deal, politicians are being forced to sit up and react. Greens and environmentalists should welcome this energy. Regardless of whether it translates into votes, new movements are vital allies in the struggle for a sustainable societal transformation. Read here the article from Tomáš Jungwirth.
What Do Central and Eastern European Countries Want from China? Assessing 16+1 and Its Future
This briefing paper summarizes the views and comments of participants during the first China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) International Working Seminar held on November 20-21, 2018, in Prague, Czech Republic.