SOS Pandemic and SOS Czech Republic: fundraisers to help those hardest hit by COVID-19 in the Czech Republic and in the world
In response to economic consequences caused by the coronavirus pandemic, People in Need (PIN) has launched an SOS Czech Republic fundraising campaigns to assist the most vulnerable, including entrepreneurs, single parents, the socially unprotected, the insolvent, and those who have lost their jobs. As part of this program, PIN is strengthening its team of experts on debt counseling and education services, which are currently facing high demand from families, teachers, and at-risk communities.
The money raised in the SOS Pandemic will be used to provide long-term assistance in developing countries where fallout from the pandemic, such as hunger, malnutrition, and the loss of livelihoods has the potential to be more devastating than the disease itself.
You can still contribute to both campaigns.
The One World Festival is continuing in September
After the break caused by coronavirus-related measures the festival continues from September 11 in Prague and subsequently in dozens of Czech regional towns and cities.
We are still hiring!
Despite the current situation, our recruitment is still running. We are looking for a Country director of the East European program, Team lead (Centre for Human rigths and Democracy) and other positions.