Transparency International EVENT: Current Political Situation in Kosovo: A View from the Inside

Transparency International Czech Republic (TI CZ) would like to invite you to a public debate with representatives of Kosovo’s parliamentary parties.

As part of the reform measures of the current government in Kosovo, an amendment to the law on the financing of political parties is being prepared this spring. What steps led to this? Will the new legislation increase the transparency of political finances in a young democracy? What other issues are perceived by the country’s policies in the current international and local context? How did Kosovo cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and how did it perceive the approach of the international community?


Members of the Kosovo Parliament: Armend Muja, Mërgim Lushtaku, Avdullah Hoti, Pal Lekaj
Ondřej Cakl (TI CZ) will guide us through the debate. The discussion will be held in English.

Villa Gröbovka (Havlíčkovy Sady 58, 120 00 Prague)
Wednesday, April 27th 2022, 18:00

This public debate is held thanks to the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the Transition Promotion program. We would also like to thank the CEELI Institute for providing their beautiful premises for our debate.

We kindly ask those who plan to attend to register for the debate via this link. You can also join our event on Facebook.
