Chantal Flores in Al Jazeera
Press Start teams up with a preeminent Moroccan press advocate
We have also launched a campaign for Hicham Mansouri, an esteemed press-freedomadvocate and journalist from Morocco, now living in exile in France. Mansouri spent 10 months in prison in Morocco on charges related to prostitution and adultery. Arrested one day after receiving key evidence in an investigation he was conducting into state surveillance, Mansouri was declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. Shortly after being released in 2016, he faced additional charges of threatening state security while working to introduce to Morocco the Storymaker app, which facilitates citizen journalism and multimedia reporting. As a result, Hicham fled to Paris. Press Start is helping him to raise funds for a story on the corruption he witnessed during his stay in prison. To see his campaign, please click here. And please spread the word.
Max Sarychau blows past his goal, begins work on torture in Belarus project