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MORNING COFFEE: Czech and Hungarian approaches to China and the role of values in foreign policy

20 března, 2019 @ 9:0010:30

The aim of the meeting is to debate the current relations of the Czech Republic and Hungary with China amidst the broader debates on whether China represent a political and security threat. The debate comes in the time of investment screening mechanisms being adopted or revised by some of the EU countries, more or less openly questioning the nature of investment coming from China, and amidst security warnings against Huawei and ZTE products. In the same time, China continues with its ‘re-eduction campaign‘ in Xinjiang and implements its social credit score policy with increasing speed. The event will put together Czech and Hungarian journalists, foreign policy practitioners and China experts from academia as well as NGO sector to exchange views on China policy of their respective countries and debate the role of values in it. Find more information on Facebook.

Working language of the meeting is English. 
You can find a link to registration here. 


20 března, 2019
9:00 – 10:30
Webová stránka:

Místo konání

Impact Hub
Drtinova 557/10
Prague, Czech Republic


+420 224 813 460
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