ICDR call to the European Parliament to include human rights in the investment deal with China
100 world-renowned thinkers have signed a letter calling on the European Parliament not to ratify the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with China without including human rights commitments. Iveta Radičová, Ana Gomes, Francis Fukuyama, Péter Krekó, Brigitte Dufour, Garry Kasparov, and dozens of others have signed the call initiated by the ICDR, a Forum 2000 Foundation project.
#Forum2000online Chat: Lessons learned from Trump’s presidency?
“74 million American voters voted for Trump – and are likely to support like-minded candidates in the future,” says Charles Kupchan, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
What will be Biden’s stance towards Russia? And is the future of the Transatlantic cooperation really that bright?
#Forum2000online Chat: The abortion bill in Argentina will have a domino effect.
The new abortion bill in Argentina allows women to have access to abortion on demand during the first 14 weeks of their pregnancy.
“If this can happen in the Pope’s home country, it can happen anywhere,” says Tamara Taraciuk, acting deputy director for Americas division at Human Rights Watch.