AMO online
AMO is continuing in streaming online events discussing current issues including China’s role in current pandemics or EU climatic policies in current pandemics. Find more information on AMO Facebook profile!
Empty shell no more: China’s growing footprint in Central and Eastern Europe
The result of the first collaborative research project of scholars from the CHOICE network is now out!
The new CHOICE (China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe) audit reveals that the People’s Republic of China has been increasingly active in political, economic and societal domains in the countries gathered in China-led 17+1 platform. The 17+1 initiative, founded in 2012, has been labeled by some as an ‘empty shell’ with the assertion that cooperation between Central and Eastern Europe with China lacks substance. However, it is only when the whole picture is analyzed that the progress and direction of the 17+1 platform becomes evident. Contrary to what has been often assumed, the 17+1 cooperation is loaded with action. While results in the economic domain are falling behind expectations, political and societal ties have seen a huge uptick, resulting in a dramatic rise of China’s presence in the region.
Oxford-style Debate: COVID-19 epidemic as China’s ‘Chernobyl moment’?
New article by Alice Rezková and Matěj Šimalčík argues, that “the response to the COVID-19 epidemic will damage the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party”.
Inside of China’s global propaganda campaign on COVID-19
China may yet step up as a responsible public goods provider during the epidemic, sharing its lessons learned and providing much-needed aid. However, the efforts to change the narrative of the outbreak and extol the virtues of China’s authoritarian system can have dangerous results, argues Filip Šebok in a new article for CHOICE.
Farewell to Periphery
Jak si stojí střední Evropa na mezinárodním poli? Zůstává stále evropskou periferií? Více o ekonomické situaci ve střední Evropě, o stavu tzv. ,,East-West divide”, nebo současné roli Visegrádské skupiny čtěte v článku Víta Dostála pro Aspen Institute Central Europe.