This year’s NGO Market – Week for the Non-Profit Sector – will start soon. We will be meeting online between the 19th and 23rd of April.
Non-profit organizations are essential for a robust civil society, and their presence is an indicator of a healthy and democratic country. For years, NGO Market has been working to highlight the non-profit sector and to foster a societal perception of the non-profit sector as an irreplaceable part of civil society.
Five days of the main program will be filled with workshops and debates, intended both for members of non-profit organizations and the general public.
Non-profit organizations can look forward to:
- Capacity-building workshops
- Professional course
How do we plan to showcase the importance and activities of non-profit organizations to a wide public? This year we prepared:
- Debates with lessons and inspirations from Czech and foreign non-profit organizations
- Information about where and how to volunteer and how volunteering can give back
- Continuation of the podcast Let´s talk together (Mluvme spolu in Czech), which brings new insights into the diversity of the non-profit sector
- #sdilimpravdu, an initiative of the NGO Market, through which we want to show the pillars and values of the non-profit sector. The goal is to supersede stereotypes and myths about nonprofits with facts. So that the truth has the opportunity to take root peacefully and deeply in our society, be an inspiration and help keep our eyes and hearts open.
In this year’s catalog, you can find inspiring information and conversations with partners of the NGO Market. It will also feature ideas and tips to help your nonprofit gain the interest of potential partners and reach out for collaboration. For more details please check out our website and Facebook page, which is also here you can enroll for particular activities.
Nury A. Turkel: The international community is trading with genocidal regime as we speak
“The world needs to speak out against forced labor in China. This modern-day slavery is literally affecting everybody´s life,” says Nury A. Turkel, an Uyghur American lawyer, public official & human rights activist, currently listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by the Time magazine.
Arunabha Ghosh: Youth need to be involved in creating a sustainable policy.
“Revolutionary changes happen when the interests of the elite and those vulnerable to climate change converge,” highlights Arunabha Ghosh. He is the founder-CEO of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), previously involved with Princeton, Oxford, WTO or UNDP.
Symptoms of (de)democratization in Latin America
“Democracy does not work in misery” says María Margarita Zuleta González, a prominent lawyer from Columbia. She was one of the speakers in the online discussion “Symptoms of (de)democratization in Latin America” which took place as part of the Forum 2000 annual Democratic Solidarity conference. The discussion was also attended by two Mexico City foreign correspondents – Jude Webber of Financial Times and John Holman of Al Jazeera – together with Alberto Bello, Editor in Chief of Grupo Expansión. The recording of the event, which took place in cooperation with Escuela de Gobierno de Tec de Monterrey, is available on our YouTube (in Spanish).