Applications open for Solutions Journalism Microgrants

Transitions is announcing a call for microgrants for journalists interested in developing solutions journalism stories from Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to financial support, we are also offering mentoring during the entire production of the article to achieve the highest possible quality. For more information regarding submitting your solutions journalism pitches and applying for the microgrant, please see the call for application page

We are accepting applications on a running basis. If you have any specific questions, you can contact Jeremy Druker:

Some of Our Latest SJ Stories

Care for the Neediest – A nonprofit in Sofia provides medical checkups for mothers and children who face many obstacles to accessing the Bulgarian health system.
Bulgaria Looks Enviously at Croatia’s Transplant Success – The western Balkan country expanded its donor base and shrank waiting lists for life-extending surgery. Can Bulgaria do the same?
Safe Spaces for Traumatized Children – Romanian civic activists and legal institutions team up to create child-friendly interview spaces for young victims of sexual abuse.
Trafficking Victims Get Help Where It’s Needed Most – Volunteers in the Czech Republic visit brothels with kind words and helpful advice to sex workers looking for a way out. 
Making Schools Modern From the Ground Up – A small Central European revolution is under way as architects and educators reconstruct the idea of elementary education.