DEMAS se připojuje k výzvě ’5 doporučení pro leadership a demokracii v EU’ iniciované Evropským Partnerstvím pro Demokracii (EPD)

’Democracy cannot be taken for granted. At a time of fundamental technological change, climate crisis, demographic adjustments, inequalities and power shifts between continents, the EU must promote and protect its founding principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in
Europe and abroad. The desire of citizens to meaningfully participate in decision-making is universal and over 70% of EU citizens want the EU to do more to spread democracy and peace around the world. Democratic governance offers us the greatest potential for achieving inclusive,
sustainable development, human rights, peace and long-term stability.
We call on the new European Commission (including the High Representative), the new European Parliament as well as European governments to undertake the 5 following actions: 1. Prioritize democracy, 2. Develop a democracy support policy, 3. Define democracy support, 4. Adapt funding rules to democratisation, 5. Put people on democracy.’

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